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When you participate in the Anthem HSA 2700 Plan, you are eligible to open a Health Savings Account. Your Health Savings Account:

  • Allows you to make deposits with pre-tax dollars
  • Grows tax-free
  • Funds roll over year to year, so your balance grows
  • Can be used to pay qualified expenses now and in the future
  • Includes contribution from Tyto Athene
  • Is your account and goes with you if you leave Tyto Athene for any reason.
  • Is subject to IRS contribution limits
Company Contributions to Your HSA Account

If you elect the Anthem HSA 2700 Plan, Tyto Athene will make quarterly contributions to your Health Savings Account. In 2019, the total company contribution is $1,000 for single and $2,000 for family. The funds in this account can be used to offset your out-of-pocket expense.

Optum Bank is the bank that will carry your HSA account. For more information, visit

Looking to learn more?  Watch this short video